I have notebook of quotes that range from the absurb (thank you Terry Prachett) to the thoughtful (thank you Terry Pratchett) and I'm sure that you have your favourites because we all know that words have power. And words are all about context.
You might be wondering where this is going because this is a blog that features vintage knitting patterns and although full of words, where is their power? It's simply that for all my knowing life I have been uncomfortable with particular words because they have been used to degrade a groups of people in a racially hateful way. Some knitting patterns use the N- word to describe a colour and there are some, like the defunct pattern company Hedge Nook, that had a yarn called Golly and used the black and white minstrel face to advertise.
Both of these words have difficult histories, and there is a difference in how they have been used on both sides of the Atlantic but they are problematic. With knitting patterns it's very odd. Some use 'dark brown' or 'very dark brown'. Some just put it right out there. They knew then the word had dodgy connotations but also knew their audience were unlikely to consider the harm the word had and has.
In the UK the N-word history is slightly different than the US where it was used from at least the 1840s as a derogatory racial slur. It began to be used by the Black Power movements in the 60s and so lost some of its hold.
The word Golliwog, shortened to Golly was seen as being non-offensive and some still have difficulty in seeing how it racist, possibly because it was used as a child's toy and was to advertise used on homely produces like jam and biscuits, but it carries those same racist undertones. The original character, created by Florence Kate Upton, was fun and kind but later authors, such as Enid Blyton, make the Golly character naughty or sly and just generally unpleasant. So the term Golly, or wog starts to get used as a racial slur for anyone non-white and it stuck - every now and then I hear it used by certain people and I double take because really? In the 21st century, we are still using it?
So you can see words used to describe a colour and a character for a children's book carry a whole load of baggage which is important to me that we unpack and examine it.
I used to edit the words from the cover shot if it was on screen but have decided to do away with it in the copy that people receive as well. In a way knitting patterns are 'safe and wholesome' so we can get tricked in thinking it's okay. But it's not. If a friend were to use them, I would question their use of it. I'll also do it to an 80 year old knitting pattern. I appreciate there were will some that say I am trying the edit history. I am not. On the listing at the top will be a language note acknowledging the word and explaining my reason. By editing the words and images I hope that I am not suggesting that these prejudices never existed, merely that they are not acceptable today (nor were they in the past).