A few ramblings about knitting, mainly vintage stuff and other bits and bobs

Monday, 6 January 2020

New thoughts and blah blah blah for 2020

Picture of a blue and purple sunset with a leafless tree on the right of the image that was taken in Sheffield

Well, I suppose that it's that time of year when we all start making plans and setting goals for the forthcoming year. In all honesty, I'm really bad at this kind of thing. If I was planning something for work, getting the site sorted and developing a strategy I boss it like no-one else, but personal plans and goals have often eluded me.

I have things that it would be nice to do. It's been a while since I have sat near the sea just looking out. I'd like to be a bit fitter. I'd like to start making clothes again. I'd like to knit more. I'd like to less frustrated in my job. I'd like to have a little bit more money in my pocket at the end of the year. I'd like to be happier. I'd like to be easier on the planet. I'd like to start and finish a Nebosh Health and Safety qualification. I'd like to design some more knitted things things. I'd like to start outdoors swimming. I'd like to get a pet. I'd like to finally get my cave archaeology data online after over a decade. And a whole load of other things.

So where do I start? Maybe the way to go is to try it all at the same time. I think when I make a plan, that becomes the only thing but I think that I'm too butterfly brained to concentrate and I get bored so the thought of only having one thing fills me with dread, but if I spread my self, maybe, just maybe, I might actually get some of my things finished.

It's a plan - not necessarily a good one, but one that I am happy to give a try. I suppose that I should also add I'd like to get to sleep at a reasonable time as I'm currently sitting here are 2am and have just over 5 hours before I start on site. Wish me luck

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