A few ramblings about knitting, mainly vintage stuff and other bits and bobs

Saturday 20 September 2014

Sunny Saturday Free Pattern

This is just what every woman should want for winter - her own pixie hat.

This great pattern is from the early 1930s and originally made from angora. You could try alpaca or even one of those bonkers fun yarns for a modern twist or stick to the beautiful yarn that is angora.

I know that some people have a bit of  problem with angora since there are some issues, in some places, with production standards but there are so many beautiful angora yarns out there from artisan suppliers who have the highest standards of animal welfare so is you get the chance have a fondle of this fibre.

This is so quick to make up as it's basically a rectangle with a neck band but it's such a fun hat that you could production line them and one for every person you know

Click below for the pattern and have all the fun making the classic Pixie Hat

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